This might be a 2-parter since I'm writing this so early. But I figured I'd relay last night's experience while it's fresh in my memory. So, I was a bit on the miserable side last night. It wasn't necessarily a painful night, but just a very uncomfortable night. First off, whether it was nerves (literally!) or the cast, but my ankle and foot were just burning up. It was like that part of me was in an oven, and the rest of my body followed suit. I was just lying there broiling, trying to get myself to go to sleep.
Now, I hadn't taken an oxy since the morning, so perhaps because it was night, and I was completely off of painkillers, caused the flare up. I'd say about 30 minutes after I took the oxy, things settled down. I woke up at 3:30 am, which was exactly 4 hours since I took the oxy, and I was back to the oven state again. I immediately took another, and it immediately settled down. I woke up again at around 6:30, but this time, I was relatively comfortable still. I think the ankle was still warm, but the rest of me felt normal. I decided to wait instead of dosing up early. 7:30 came around and I was still relatively comfortable. Then, masochistic me decoded to wait. I was still relatively comfortable around 8:30 (1 hour post dose duration) but decided to just take it.
I was kinda hoping that I wouldn't be as dependent on the oxy as I am...but I guess it's early days.
But, hey, it's day 10, ankle.. Figure it out already!
On a positive note, I was off the painkillers for most of the day yesterday. And I guess if I were to compare, at least I didn't wake up to random stinging pains. Just this burning warmth. I'd love to find out if it is just the cast that's exacerbating the warmth or if it's just the nerve irritation.
I think I'll try to switch out to aspirin during the day to see if that makes any difference. But I am planning a date with oxy again tonight.
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