Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day Thirteen - One more day 'til cast off!

Finally, only one more day until this bloody cast (hopefully not literally).  The cast is the bane of my recovery.  When I was originally told two weeks, I wasn't sure how I was gonna make it.  But still one more day to go!

The morning at my parents was nice.  My parents get up early, so I pretty much followed suit after waking up around 8am.  I was tired, but I couldn't I just decided to get up instead.  7 hours of patchy sleep is still better than 3 hours of non-patchy.  (don't quote me, I'm just assuming it is)

The ankle, as usual, it felt pretty decent in the morning.  I was still getting a stinging pain when I first get up from the bed.  Again, it feels like the blood is rushing all at once, and then certain parts of the ankle, I'm guessing where the incisions are, just burned for a bit.  After a few seconds, the burning settles down and I'm am ready to actually get vertically up and crutch around.

I was totally being babied by my parents, and I was totally ok with it.  Dad cooked nummy blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  I was still feeling little pangs throughout the morning...perhaps a little more constantly than usually, but not as intense as usual either.  Either way, though, it was still a little unsettling.  Mom actually went out and bought me a thermometer (to ease my nerves that I'm not coming down with a fever) as well as some fruit.  This was good, 'cuz we don't have much of a variety of natural foods at home.  We ended up ordering pizza for lunch, and watching a movie.

The doctor's office called me back in the morning and I told them that I have a dripping sensation in the cast, and of course, the shortness of breath issues.  She said that the dripping could be be just the moisture building up from the inside of the cast or even a little blood. She also said that they've had people report some claustrophobia with the cast, that could lead to those anxiety-type responses.  I asked what the plan was for tomorrow, and she assured me that we'd be able to take the cast off tomorrow, which made me feel better. 

(More anxiety stuff...nothing about ankle):
The one thing weird that I noticed (and I apologize if this is turning into an anxiety blog as well) is that when watching the movie, I would kind of start dozing off...but just as I was about to fall completely asleep, I would feel a rush and wake up completely.  Not good if you're trying to catch up on sleep.

Anyways, so after the movie, my parents brought me back to my house.  It felt a little foreign, even though I've only been away for a day.  I still kept getting the weird panic sensations (surprise) but I started giving it a little thought and figured that perhaps it was a combination of being cooped up in the house too long, with my body not knowing how to deal with going from constant activity to nothing at all.  In addition, the few days before it hit, I had barely been doing anything to keep my mind active.  I was laying in front of the tv, and watching it without really watching it, if that makes any sense.  (kinda of keeping it on for the noise, but not really invested in the show).  So, I decided to keep my mind active.  I started to play piano again...started to play some word games.  If anything, it'll keep me distracted.

I found it kind of hard to concentrate...whenever I tried, I again, would feel that rush of something (adrenaline) that breaks me out of the concentration.  I notice this when I'm trying to speak...I'd be speaking and then would just feel the flash and then lose track of what I was saying.  It seems to occur when I try to recall things as well.  It's a very odd sensation.  Maybe chalk it up to anxiety again...but I just felt off.

(Back to ankle stuff)
So that night I was up and around.  My appointment for getting my cast off was at 8:45am the next we had to leave around 7:45.  I was freaked that feeling all this dripping sensation that I might be stuck with the cast on for even longer.  (anxiety anyone?) So, I went to bed around 11pm...  This was another rough night.  My ankle was burning again, which seems to be the trend...hoping this nerve will settle down soon.

I didn't get to sleep until midnight and then just woke up at 1...feeling the burning.  I took a tylenol and then was able to back to sleep, and woke up again at 2.  This time I couldn't get back to sleep.  The burn was intensify, and of course, my mind was racing to what was going on with my ankle.  I was thinking a bunch of things....infections, bleeding, sepsis (combination of the two).  Oh and having the iPad by my side did NOT help.  I would just keep looking up things that my mind raced to.  It's like going to webmd, when you have a cold and then thinking you have the plague.

I did manage to fall asleep again at 4am and then again, woke up an hour later.  This time it would be final.  I just lied in bed until it was time to get up for my appointment.    Only a few hours to go!

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