Surgery day
I actually slept decently well the night before. I figured he more I slept, the less I would have to keep the family waiting for me post-op. Becky and I left around 6:30 am and it was about an hour trip to the hospital.
When we got there, I just went straight to the registration area and they had me just sign a few things, hand them my insurance card and I'd, and then they immediately took me back to the prep room. Becky was able to sit out in the waiting area until I was ready. They gave her a pager in case she was needed at any point. My parents were also planning on coming up, so I was able to add their names to a list for them to wait for me.
I wast taken into the area, and the nurse asked my name, date of birth and type of surgery I was having. She let me stop off in the bathroom, and then brought me to one of the beds in the prep room. She asked me a number of questions about my history. Things like if I had diabetes or diagnosed with heart problems. She asked about allergies, and them had me repeat my name, date if birth and them who my surgeon was. Then she gave me a consent form to initialize and check. Another round if asking about my name, dob and dr/surgery question...I guess they want to be sure that they're doing the right surgery in the right person. Can't complain too much about that! They then gave me a pill to help calm my nerves. I told her I didn't really need it, but she said that they wanted me to take it anyways. I think I heard it was xannax?
Afterward, she had me change into the gown. Basically just down to my underwear and then the gown. My clothes were placed into a clear plastic bag to go with my after the surgery was over. She had my lie down in the bed and she out a bunch of warm blankets on me. After I got comfy and warm, she started to try putting in the needle for the IV drip. Unfortunately, although she was able to find my vein, she wasn't able to get it all the way in. Needless to say, it was a bit painful. So she took it out and tr to warm my veins again.
Another nurse came in, and went through another line of questioning. She asked the same questions about history, allergies. She also took my vitals...blood pressure was a little high, 144/70 but pulse rate was a nice 51.
The first nurse came back to take another stab at inserting the IV in my vein. She decided on a different vein this time. She had t twist and turn it but she managed t get it in. Apparently not all the way again, because when she started the saline drip, it didn't take again. So she prepped my left arm and called a different nurse. She seemed to have done this many a time, and got it into the new vein. She was a little more forceful, and it stung like a mother (no offense, mom) but rather have one painful hole than three. I never had an IV stung for about 2 minutes and then the pain kind of went away. When she started the saline, I felt a cool sensation go up my arm. It didn't hurt, but was just interesting to feel how the blood travels.
Then the anesthesiologist came He asked me similar questions about my history. He didn't sound too worried when I mentioned about my parents having a history of heart issues or when I mentioned that my heart rate sometimes spikes when I run. He said that at my age the heart rate was nothing. Then he mentioned about a nerve block that he would be applying which would involve two Injections, but would allow me to be pain free after the surgery for about 24 hours. He asked if that was ok, and I told him yes. So he said that I was all set and would see me in a few.
They then called in Becky and my parents t visit me before going in. They only allowed two at a time so mom and dad switched off. We had a brief chat, said our good lucks...and the nurse brought me to the anesthesia area.
they hooked me up to a pulse rate monitor which was nice to see I didn't have irregular heartbeat or anything. She had
She had me turn over on my back and switch my IV to another drip. My surgeon, dr. Junko, came in and talked to me. He in and confirmed the procedure. He gave me the opportunity to ask questions. I asked him about the procedure in more detail. That it was not just shaving the bone spurs but also a comprehensive cleaning of the ankle. Also asked him about post op which he said I would be non weight bearing and would order physical therapy of needed.
I didn't have any questions and then the anesthesiologist came in to start the nerve blocks.
He start with one injection, though I can't remember the placement of the needle. It was pretty standard and didn't hurt than any other injection. The he put a device on and said I'd feel some twitching. I'm guessing this was for the sciatic nerve block (more to come on that later). He said this was gonna be a little rougher. I remember feeling some pains but nothing too sharp to anything.
His assistant said that she was gonna start to give me "the medicine" She switched my IV drip and attached it to another bag. I was staring at the connection and then that was it.
I woke up to a new person calling my name. Once my eyes were open, she said "you're all done!". I looked down and saw the splint cast on my leg. I was really groggy. She asked how my stomach was and then asked if im feeling pains or anything I said I was doing well. She then asked me if I wanted ice chips. Not sure what ice chips are for, but I passed. I immediately felt the scratchiness in my throat and a taste of plastic in my mouth. My first question to her, "was I intubated?" Kudos to me for the usage of that word in my uber-groggy state. She said yes. I felt too goggle to get up, so I just laid there hoping that she would just let me go back to sleep. I asked her how long I was out between now and the surgery and she said about an hour. She asked if i could move my toes and I did, but couldn't lift them up, which freaked me out. I didn't mention anything about it, though...and so after clearing me, she rolled my bed back to the pre-op area where I started.
The familiar nurses were still there. They went to get my family. Beck and my mom came in which was a wonderful site. I started to sober up a little managed to keep up a small conversation with them. The nurse asked me if I wanted cookies and a ginger ale. Um...yes please. Then she asked if Lorna Doones were ok. Um...yes please.
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Post Surgery my Lorna Doone's in hand |
As much as I love me some Lorna Doones. I had to just nibble them. I was a little woozy after the first few bites. I finally managed to sit up, and talked with beck and my parents (again, mom first and then dad, due to the 2 visitor max policy). After knowing that I was ok, mom and dad decided to take off. The nurse gave me crutches and then called for a physical therapist to come down and show me how to use them. The PT was this 5' tall gal, maybe weighing in at a buck ten soaking wet. She was showing me how to use the crutches up and down he stairs. She stood in front of me the entire way down the stairs so that she would brace me if I fell. Here I'm thinking if I fell I might snap her in half. I did make it down the stairs...but exerting myself so soon, made me start to feel nauseous. We raced back to the pre-op room and I laid there a bit longer. After about 5 minutes we were off. One of the nurses wheelchairs me to the door where Becky picked me up. No major problems driving home..though we did have to detour to get a prescription of the painkillers that they gave me.
We got home around 4pm and I went straight up to the bedroom to eat and catch some zzz's.
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